Saturday, January 16, 2016

16 January 2016

I am grateful for... (3)

  • Having parents that sit through my entire discourse on my plans of my career, and then who take the extra time to teach me about finance management when I asked.
  • Having a reliable friend who immediately agreed when I needed a favor from him. Thank goodness, since it was something important for my enrollment.
  • My family members seem much better than yesterday, they seem to be recovering from the virus (I swear by qigong... look at me, I'm perfectly fine!)

What would make today great? (3)
  • I can set up my backup plan by today
  • I can recharge my batteries through deep meditation
  • I can research about compassion in my field (i got a nice book!)
Daily affirmations, I am... (2)

  • More compassionate than yesterday. 
  • I am working towards my goal to liberate and heal all beings. 

3 Amazing things that happened today (3)

  • I taught my mum how to control her anger by focusing on her breath. I taught her about the gap between the breaths (where the mind is still) and I taught her about the emptiness of the mind. I think this was freaking amazing because the words literally flowed out of my mouth and my mum was a little taken aback by how mind-blown she was!
  • I stuck to my workout routine and did max reps!
  • My body seems to have tweaked quite a bit since months of practising this particular qigong - it seems to reject dry or fried food and want soupy, steamy stuff. My mind however, is still clinging on. It's certainly strange though, it's as if my body developed a certain health awareness by itself. 

How could I have made today better? (2)

  • Maybe I should add some kind of structure to make sure that I do the things I want to. I normally do that when I'm in school, but I feel that perhaps I need to get used to that rigor again, so that I adjust better back in school.
  • Maybe I should have switched to a bit of cardio today? I'm in need of recharging in nature. I love nature so much I just want to bury my face in the grass and sit by a lake the entire day.

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