Monday, January 18, 2016

18 January 2016

My 3 lessons of gratitude today:
  • I am grateful to have found such an awesome friend in one of my bros. He's always patient to hear me out and I was helping him clean out some condominium flat that his dad was renting out to people. The new punggol mall seems to be a really hip place - tons of shopping outlets and I love how it is close to a body of water outside, similar to Vivocity. 
  • I am grateful to have an opportunity to bond better with my sister, since I haven't really seen much of her ever since she juggled going out daily with her boyfriend and working. It was quite amazing how she just decided to ask me for help and wanted to hang out with me. From this I've already seen how small, kind acts that are given from a place of presence and goodwill can move instantly into positive karma.
  •  I am grateful to how I managed to go on and on about the dharma in front of my two sisters and my mother today. I don't know why, but there was this intuitive feeling that made me go into the details about impermanence and how we cannot bring anyone or anything together with us into the grave. I saw a shift in my mum's eyes. Well, she's always been especially afraid of me turning into a monk and leaving home hahahaha. She doesn't understand how I've taken the hardest path of the layperson to pursue a Bodhisattva path. I am grateful to how she sat there patiently listening, even though I knew that her mind was only half-paying attention. But I know that some part of it stirred something within her. I'm even urging for a full family meditation. Hee. There were things that I didn't agree with her about regarding my life path, but I realized that it was not a good time to press on. I'll leave it for another day.
  • There's so much to be grateful about but I'll just leave it here today. 

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